Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Once upon a time, there was a wildlife sanctuary called Hum kingdom. This was no ordinary kingdom, there were grand valleys, ending miles of sweet lilac flowers, and a endless amount of crystal clear beauty that swept this sanctuary. The creatures of Hum kingdom were noble creatures. the community of Hum kingdom lived freely but also deeply believed in a  no predator or prey principal. With this said, there was no food chain, every individual was equally respected.  Therefore  civilians of Hum kingdom had vegetarian diet that consisted of  an  abundance of fruit, water, and many other life longed riches.

During the mid-summers in Hum Kingdom lived a scruffy old hairy English foxhound. He stayed alone in a condo tree fort off the outskirts of town. With a grumpy, unapproachable personality, neighbors always viewed the foxhound to be a unseemly timid individual. He often watched the weather channel on television and stayed to himself barely communicating to his creature-like peers . On the contrary, not too far lived a young handsome Squirrel, unlike the foxhound he was outgoing, joyful and wealthy. This clean-cut Squirrel's main objective of life consisted of partying, drinking, and living the wild child dream. Similar to foxhound he lived on outskirts of the kingdom but resided in upscale tree with two other posh roommates who embodied his lifestyle.

Anyhow enchanting summer days go by, and the scruffy old English foxhound notes a change in the atmosphere. Leaves slowly stripped the trees simultaneously as large clouds form from lifeless pedals covered the ground,  the warm summer air had become a back chilling breeze. Foxhound paid a lot of attention to the natural changes of the land, with his observations he learned to moderate tedious labor for food. In this case Foxhound knew in order to prepare of the brittle cold ahead he must gather basic essentials items in conflicting weather. So the English foxhound spend the rest summer collecting basic essential to live in the blistering cold.  

On the contrary, Squirrel was enjoying the weather and decides to go for a long ordinary walk. Passing foxhounds residence along the way something catches his eye. He approaches the English foxhound and asks “why are you working in the hot sun?, why aren't you relaxing in the shaded?”. The foxhound paused, gasping for breath the English foxhound replies “preparing for a bone chilling experience you snob, many things will become scarce in the upcoming season”. Baffled by the responds from the foxhound, the Squirrel nonchalantly brushes off the warning and sarcastic says "Ah foolish old man! there's nothing that money cannot buy". Foxhound shook his head and continued his back break work. Without a warning Hum kingdom blissful summers comes to a dead stop, where once lied an abundance of life, fruit, and vegetables laid a grim lay out of drought. when summers ended like the grumpy foxhound said the never ending chill began to set in. Farms where the wealthy often shopped where now covered by a thick icy snow.

Furthermore creatures of Hum kingdom began to die, including the Squirrel no one was prepared for the icy season like the English foxhound. Squirrel ran low on food, he hadn't thought about the winter ahead. The only one of his household to survive, the starving Squirrel had no choice.If Squirrel wanted a fighting chance to live he had no choice but to swallow his pride to ask the scruffy, stubborn old foxhound a helping hand . When asked by the foxhound " where were your summer gatherings?" Squirrel embarrassingly explained that he had eaten and dried out all of his resources available to him with is roommates all summer. In the end,  the foxhound forgives Squirrel and helps him despite Squirrel's nonchalant, snobby attitude. This infers that in some instances it is wise to plan ahead despite ones financial disposal.

1 comment:

  1. love your use of detail in characterizing the scruffy fox versus the young and handsome squirrel--also phrases like "brittle cold"--also it's really funny when you add things like he watched TV all day
