Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Image for Electra- Lambrini, Brian, Renetta, Chloe

We are using this image to portray Electra because this characters' traits are much like hers. Electra doesn't get attention from her mother or Agamemnon. They don’t give her new pairs of clothing or clean her. She is much like a prisoner in a cell who is trying to escape. Bellatrix clearly portrays Electra's treatment in this image. Electra is seen as a crazy woman. Bellatrix's hair makes her look a little insane as well as her clothes that are old and dirty. Even her stance which shows that she has attitude. She looks like a dirty servant but one with pride. This connects to Electra because she was treated awful by Agamemnon and her mother yet she still has pride in her Father, and stands firmly in what she believes in even after his death. 



     Apollo was the god of the sun, prophecy, oracles, plague, healing, disease, music, song, poetry, archery and the protection of the young. He was in love with Cassandra because of her beauty but because she did not return the favor he cursed her. Cassandra was given the gift of prophecy. After Apollo realized she would never loved him he wanted to punish her. He couldn't take back the gift her gave her so he made it that no one would ever believe her predictions. Her whole life she lived in misery as she would try and stop bad things from happening but no one would ever believe her because of Apollo's curse.

Story of Oedipus

Oedipus was another great interesting story. King Laius (Oedipus father) was told that his son would kill him so to avoid that he abandoned Oedipus. It even states that he nailed Oedipus feet together. Oedipus survived the abandonment and was later crown prince of Corinth, his named meant “swollen feet”. Years later, without Oedipus knowing the truth about himself, he bumped into his father on the road and killed him. There is so much more to tell about the story of Oedipus. If you want to read about the extra details you can go to …

Tiresias Greek Mythology

Tiresias was a blind prophet. It was said that he encounter with two snakes mating and he hit them with a stick. That’s how Tiresias changed into a woman. Tiresias was then married and had kids. This article also states that “After seven years as a woman, Tiresias again found mating snakes, struck them with her staff, and became a man once more”. Tiresias was then later ask to choose what sex he wants to be either a male which Hera stood by or a Female which Zeus stood by. When Tiresias sided with Zeus, Hera got mad and struck Tiresias blind. This is such an interesting story here is the website that help me to understand the background of Tiresias more.

Monday, October 29, 2012


Oedipus story was very interesting because the prophecy told Oedipus parents that his son will murder his father and marry his mother. So Oedipus' father "fastened the infant's feet together with a large pin and left him to die on a mountainside". Shepards found him and raised him but in the end he still killed his father and married his own mother. When they both realized this his mother/ wife killed herself and "Oedipus seized a pin from her dress and blinded himself with it." He then was driven to exile with his two children, Antigone and Ismene. After wondering for years he arrived at Colonus. Where he later died. the presence of his grave was said to bring good fortune to Athens. 
I found it interesting that the prophecy was so accurate and there was nothing anyone can do about it. Even after he left Oedipus to die he was found raised and still killed his father without knowing who he was. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tiresias-Greek Mythology

This is also a cool website on Tiresias, giving in site to why he was blind and backstory. Its quite brief but also very helpful. TAKE A LOOK!!!

Final Presidential Debate

I felt that during the final debate between President Obama and Romney was a one up on both. In the first Debate Romney clearly had the answers to everything and Pres. Obama choked on his words. Now in the final debate are President reminded us why we voted for him.They both had faults and highlights. To be quit honesty I have no idea who might win the election but I'm pretty sure that it is going to be very close. Anyhow the part when Romney starts attacking on china. I dont feel that is the real problem right now. The ecomony must be fixed, and lets be honestly no one in America is willing to do back breaking work for cheap. I agree with President Obama not doing anything agianst them. Starting problems with China now will just put us in a even bigger hole. To me I feel that Romney is to "trigger" happy, If we put him in office we might have alot of "fire" comming our way.

Research for Electra and Antigone

 This website goes in to depth about Helen of Troy. Its gives us as readers quite a bit of back story on how she was born. Its basics on her father Zeus and how she became the women of Troy. Also it gives insite on first interaction she had with Paris. Ther are painting and pictures that are very interesting as well. TAKE A LOOK GUYS!!!!!!!

Image for Electra--Theatre and English Assignment

Post your Image for Electra Production Here

Find an image that may be used for inspiration for your production of Electra.  Contact members of your group and share choices--then agree on one and post it.  You must annotate it--exactly as we have been doing for research.  What is the image?  What does it make you think about in relation to Electra? Why/how is it your inspiration?

Here are the emails for everyone in our class--you know who is on your team so write to them:

goingbyyuka@hotmail.com Yuka
arg361@gmail.com  (lambrini)
Rachel Hayat <rhayatt@aol.com>

Assignments for Storm Week

Greetings Comrades--

So we don't know if classes will be canceled, or if the MTA will be shut down, so here is our work for the week in case you have to stay home!

1.  If you have not posted an annotated link discussing one of the Greek gods or characters related to Electra, please do so now!  If all topics (characters, gods) seem to have been taken, you may post instead on Antigone--look her up--post on the story of Oedipus, Oedipus's family--(Antigone is his daughter)--also, no one has posted on Tiresias!  Very important character.  So far fewer than 1/2 students in class have posted on the Greeks...look at your name and check number of posts.  Tag your posts by going back to edit function and clicking on LABEL--put your name.

2.  Talk with members of your group and find an image to post that will be your inspiration for Electra. I will create a separate blog for this and I will paste in all class emails so you can connect with each other.

3.  If no classes on Mon-Tues, please finish Electra and read Antigone--in coursepak.  Great play!!!  Answer questions in coursepak on Antigone--for CREDIT.

4.  Your reward for doing all the work will be screening of rest of TROY!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

               Here is a list I found in the link and I think it’s very useful. The link talks about the background of Electra. It’s not focus on it but it’s about the house of Pelops. It answered many of my questions of where the characters f Electra came from.
AEGISTHUS - He avenged his family through the love of the enemy's wife.
AGAMEMNON - Military commander of all Greeks.
APOLLO - God who loved Cassandra in vain.
ARTEMIS - Goddess, sister of Apollo, demanding the sacrifice of the king's daughter.
ATHENA - Goddess who found a mutually acceptable solution.
ATREUS - He cooked cannibalistic dinner for his brother.
CASSANDRA - Captive princess, prophetic virgin.
CLYTEMNESTRA - She killed her victorious husband.
DELPHI - Central oracle of the world.
ELECTRA - She helped her brother to kill their mother.
ERINNYES (Furies) - They chased Orestes around the world.
EUMENIDES - Euphemistic name of the spirits of vengeance.
HELEN  - Her face lauched the thousand ships.
IPHIGENIA - She was sacrificed on the goddess' altar.
MYCENAE - City of Agamemnon.
ORESTES - He killed his mother and thus avenged his father.
PELOPS - He won his bride by chariot-race.
PYLADES - He followed his matricide friend on the mission.
TANTALUS - He cooked his son, Pelops, for the party of the gods. Tantalus was punished in the underworld by eternal thirst and hunger in view of drink and food: hence "tantalize."
THYESTES - He ate his children for dinner.
TROY - City destroyed by Agamemnon.

Final Presidential Debate

                       On this last debate Obama was really strong, he attracted Romney at every single opportunity. I was able to see how Obama has a better use of language, I like the Obama had the opportunity to talk about what he did during the last four years and that this time he control the entire debate and Romney juts followed him just saying he agrees with the president. Once again Romney showed his war preference, he wants to start a war at any point even if its with product trades with China. I think Romney's view is always in the business and military side. He has good points but for me those are not relevant to the present necessities of the country while Obama has more experience about the present problem and his view relates more to what we as nation need, for sure we don't need a war or know the president loves teachers.    

Boys Don't Cry Thoughts

      Part I: Brandon Teena's decision of hiding the true of what genre she really was from everyone, and just acting as a boy and live that way among everyone in the small town was the main cause of the violence that took place when they found Brandon was really a girl. The ignorance of everyone in the town also contributed to the tragedy. The lack of family values showed especially by Lana’s mother and the lack of sympathy from everyone that didn't allow them to understand Brandon were direct factors for Brandon’s death.
    Part II: Plato’s allegory of the cave talks about people lack in the cave who think what they see and hear is the only true. In could be apply to Boys Don’t Cry; all of them in the town believe that what they do is fine like having such a poor valorous life style. We see that with the family structure showed by Lana’s family. Because all they see is what is around them, they couldn't accept anything else like Brandon reason for acting as a boy. Brandon, her city friend and later on Lana would be the characters trying to get out of the cave however we see these contrast on Brandon decision of going to a small town or in other words getting herself inside the cave even when she was not part of it. According to Plato once you rich the light is hard to communicate with those how still inside the cave and in would be really difficult to make them see their ignorant since they lived that way the entire time, and I think Brandon put that in test and all she got was her death. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chloe Chiappetti

Greek tragedy is like a form of art and it is designed to hold a mirror in society. People will always have the same flaws, the same desires, the same outcomes.I chose to speak about Cassandra

Cassandra, was a daughter of Hecuba and King Priam, the rulers of Troy during the Trojan War according to Homer's Iliad. Cassandra was a beautiful young woman, blessed with the gift of prophecy by Apollo, who was infatuated with her. Cassandra has always been misunderstood and misinterpreted as a madwoman or crazy doomsday prophetess. Shakespeare presented her as a madwoman ranting and raving along the walls of Troy in his play Troilus and Cressida. More importantly, her own people and family in Troy mistook her as a raving lunatic. She has always been shown in paintings with her long hair flying around her shoulders in what has been considered lunatic fashion, scantily clad, and helpless on her knees in the face of her predicted doom. But there is so much more to Cassandra than her maddened predictions and pitiable treatment. Cassandra was a great, intelligent heroine who was cursed by the gods for not playing by their rules. She is a tragic figure, not a madwoman.



http://www.arthistory.sbc.edu/imageswomen/papers/fittoncassandra/cass5.html l

Electra Research - Atreus

Atreus was the father of Agamemnon and Menelaus. He took in Aegisthus as his own son without realizing that it was the son of his brother Thyestes and niece Pelopina. Atreus would later tell Aegisthus to kill Thyestes but that's when Aegisthus finds out that Thyestes was his true father. Pelopina was shocked that he had a son with her father took her own life. Aegisthus refused to kill his true father and instead killed Atreus. This relates to Electra because Atreus was her grand father and his actions led to the chains of revenge.




Part 1: The movie Boys Don't Cry is a movie about a young man who goes through a sexual identity crisis. Brandon Teena, who lives in a conservative part of Nebraska was brutally beaten and raped by two individuals John Lotter and Tom Nissen; who were mentally ill. These two was strongly against Brandon’s gender crisis problems.  Anyhow, when Brandon begins to develop a friendship with John and Tom, Brandon keeps his secret of being a woman to himself. However, when they found out they reacted in outrage that caused Brandon his life. They reacted according, the town that they are from thinks close-minded. They are not open to gay nor transgender, this small town, and strict basic way of life; thus making Brandon’s death inevitable.
Part 2: Allegory of the Cave identifies with the characters in Boys Don’t. I believe that John, Tom, Candice, and Lana's mother were all stuck in the cave. They were raise in a narrow why of thinking. They do not know beyond what is in their town. Lana, to me is a cave dweller who wants to leave the cave; she is wants to leave the cave because she disagrees with the life she is living. Brandon is like a reflection of the light inside the cave. Her gender identity forced her to escape the cage, those in the cave are afraid of her; she is outside the normal expectation.

Electra Research by Janet Nolan

   I think that the Greek history is so interesting, there is always something happening and changing. It so intoxicating in a way because you want learn more and more. I chose Artemis who is the goddess of hunting, wilderness and wild animals. Also a goddess of childbirth, and the protector of the girl child and up to the age of marriage. She also had a twin brother,Apollon who was the protector of young boys as well. Artemis is connected to the Electra story because she was the goddess that was offered Iphigeneia by Agamemnon for the passage of the Greek fleet to Troy. The sacrifice of Iphigeneia sparked the vicious cycle of revenge in the story of Electra, every motive from then on is about how can I redeem my love one lost and get revenge on the killer or the cause of the killing.


Cassandra of Troy


Cassandra once bargained with the God Apollo. He said he would teach her the secret of prophecy if she would lay with him; then when Apollo taught her the secret she backed down from her end of the bargain. Angry Apollo cursed her. The curse made it so that although she would always see the truth no one would ever believe her. Later in the years a lot happens but in direct relations to the story of Electra, during the Trojan war she was turned into a slave and Agamemnon claimed her as his prize. He takes her back to his home where she prophecies that they would both die. Clytemnestra and her lover Aegesthius kills the both of them.

This website will lead you to all the information on Cassandra, beginning to end.
Cassandra and Apollo
Cassandra's prophesies for Troy
The rape of Cassandra
Cassandra and Agamemnon

Agamemnon Research- Briana Regalado

 I found this interesting article about the main man, Agamemnon! It states Agamemnon's background, his family, his part in the Trojan War. It took my interest right away when I saw it. The website is absolutely breathtaking and gives a beautiful representation of ancient mythological Greece. The story is very relevant to Electra in the sense of giving a prior story before the events in the play.


Final Presidential Debate

I really admire how Obama stands firm on what his original goal is. Obama wants to continue to rebuild American. He states “the administration had made great progress digging out of the hole caused by the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in the 1930s”. Obama came into the White house under former president George Bush administration trying to restore things back in good grounds. I also admire how Obama points out things he must do and know that everything is not perfect. Obama acknowledges there are more things that need to be done but it can’t possible be fulfill in the few years he had.  On a personal aspect, I felt like his body language had confident written all over him. I can’t wait to see the end result of this election.


I felt that it was a tie between Obama and Romney during the final debate. Both didn't really gain an edge over one and another. The debate was basically a summary of the previous two. I felt Obama did a good job  
staying aggressive unlike his first debate. I liked the part when he ridiculed Romney by saying he didn't understand how our military works. He mention bayonets, horses, and how its not a game of battleships. One thing i feared was the fact that Romney seems ready for another war. It would cost the country a ton of money and unnecessary casualties. I do agree with Romney's view on China. They are cheating the system and costing us jobs. Obama hasn't made any real progress against China and i feel Romney's aggressive tactics might work.

Electra Research

Greek myths never cease to amaze me. The story of Tantalus, is that he is a favored son of Zeus. He would be privelged to dine with the gods. But was punished (depending on the myth) because he either served his son Pelops to the Gods, or shared the secrets of what he found in the dinner table with others. His punishment was to stand in water neck high, and never be able to quench his thirt. When he would try to drink the water, it would vanish. Fruit hung above him, yet when he reached for it, the fruit would become unreachable. The story is very interesting and amaingly creative.
     This story is relevant to Electra, because Agamemnon's  huge family tree of reaches Tantalus. Pelops is Tantalus son, who gave birth to Atreus, who is the father of Agamemnon. And Agamemnon is the father of Electra, so Tantalus is baically her great great great grandfather.

http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/aeschylus/houseofatreus.htm Family Tree

http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/grecoromanmyth1/p/Tantalus.htm Tantalus

Last Presidential Debate

I finally was able to watch the Presidential Debate. From what I saw, President Obama was a lot more confident with his answers. He was concise, and pointed out many facts, as well as counter attacked anything Romney said that he disagreed with. What I found interesting that seperated the two, was the constant use of relating to the public. Obama would use personal stories, such as the story about the girl and her father on 9/11, to make the point that he was on the side of the people. It was a genius strategy, seeing as a large amount of the viewers relate to the many things he said. The conversation about the veterans needing more assistance, education cuts not being necessary. Obama was in charge of the debate. Romney made some good points, but ultimately, he was agreeing a lot with many of Obama's ideas. After the election there was a new reporter who said "It sounded like Romney wanted to vote for obama." The debate was interesting, and I learned a few things.

Boys Don't Cry

Part 1: There are many contributing factors for the cause of Brandon's death. Brandon himself was responsible because he was hiding the fact that he was a female. He should have told everyone the truth instead of hiding it. John and Tom both seem to have psychological problems and were very narrow minded. They just wanted to cause havoc and decided to kill Brandon since they couldn't accept what he is. Candace was responsible because she told John and Tom about Brandon's situation. Candace knew that John and Tom were dangerous and she still decided to tell them. Lana shouldn't have told Brandon to lie about his sex and came clean. Lana's mom could have prevented John and Tom from killing Brandon and Candace if she would have reported the situation to the cops.

Part 2: John, Tom, and Lana's mom are stuck inside the cave. They refused to face the truth and accept anything new. Brandon and Lana are struggling to get out of the cave. They were open-minded and wanted of be free of the constricts of society. Plato states that its difficult to communicate with the ones stuck in the cave once you have seen the light because the ones in the cave are ignorant. They refuse to accept new reason and just want to continue in their old ways.

Final Presidential Debate--Your Thoughts

Last night was the final presidential debate between Mitt Romney and Barak Obama.  It is two weeks until the election.  Describe your reaction to the debate--a response you liked, feared, something that influenced your thinking about whom to vote for.

Research for Electra and Antigone

Choose one of the terms listed here and find an interesting article or website that explains and gives stories about the topic.  Create a link and briefly explain what you have found and why it is interesting in relation to Electra (and/or Antigone).

Tantalus, Pelops, Artemis, Agamemnon, Helen of Troy, Cassandra, Delphic Oracle, Apollo, Tiresias, Orestes, House of Atreus.

If you find something that is not on this list but is related to the play and our discussion, post it and discuss it.

Monday, October 22, 2012


I really appreciated that fact that Obama brought up getting jobs after school. The jobs we went to school for. It is so important for our future. This was really a question in my mind for years before I attended college again. I also liked the fact that he brought up women's rights around the world. Obama did better this time. I will be voting for Obama no matter what either way after he legalized gay marriage. He wants to help me, people of my class. He has and we just don't see it because the news does not always show it. I do not have any trust in Romney. I feel he will be just as bad as bush and only wants to help the people with money and we do not matter.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Your Essays on Laramie and Aristotle

The essays have edits from Prof. Rizzieri and from Dr. Van--I have sent them to you at the only email I have which is gmail--so check that account.  Tomorrow we will be reading Electra.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Boy's Don't Cry - My thoughts

Part I: 

The cause i think for the violence is the fact that Candace decide to just tell the two boys about what she found in Brandon's room. This caused the start of the chain reaction of events that would lead to not only her death but the rape, beating and death of Brandon. I think a contributing factor aside from Candace
blabbing was jealousy,  I think jealousy is a contributing factor because you could tell by the way John acted he liked Lana. So when he found out that 'guy' that was getting really close to Lana was actually a girl pretending to be a guy he freaked out party because he was jealous. Another factor was the fact that John was crazy and had no impulse control. Not leaving out the fact that where these kids live is so cut off and depressing that it helped set a morbid kind of life style for them all.

Part II: 

In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, He talks about a group of people in a cave who are chained with nowhere else to look but at their own shadows which symbolizes ignorance to knowledge and most of them just stay that way not trying to get free, then explains why people do not try to leave the cave because it would be unconformable and painful to have to go through the thought of something new.In Boy's Don't Cry i would say that almost everyone in the movie was stuck in the cave except in my option Lana. I think this because Lana had learned about something new, or gained new knowledge and was almost pained by it you would say but she didn't refute it and she was even excepting of the new knowledge. and it was difficult to communicate with the other left in the cave because they didn't want to except or go through that uncomfortable path, instead were happy enough to sty in the cave, an din their ignorance. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Boys Don't Cry

In Allegory of the Cave, Plato describes knowlegde as something that needs to be exposed. It needs to be discovered and seen in order for it to be anything significant or true. It made me think that knowledge is something that is mysterious and fearsome at first but once it is shown it changes the entire perspective of things.
In Boys Don't Cry everyone in the town where the setting is located is in a cave of ignorance. No one is educated to do anything but what they habituated themselves to do. They have no idea that the world is beyond what their eyes can see. That is why they feared Brandon and his sexual identity crisis; they've never seen anything like it. From what they've heard in the sources they do have access to (churches or parents), homosexuality or anything in close relation to it is disgusting and sinful. I would say the one person who began to see the light out of the cave would be Lana (besides Brandon) because she accepted him. She accepted him because she knew there was more to the world that she is missing out on. We know this because she is distressed with her living conditions, and she often talked about how much she would like to see and discover things beyond the horizon she can see.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thursday Plans

So we will meet in our regular classroom at 1pm.  We will review your drafts for philosophy-laramie-aristotle essay.  Then we will go to lab, E228, to revise.

I have explained to Prof. Rizzieri that you will submit your drafts to him by email Thursdya evening.

So work hard on your first drafts and bring hard copy and digital copy on Thursday.

Dr Van

Boys Don't Cry

Erika Perez
October 16, 2012

The violence that occurs at the end was due to ignorance. Tom,  John and Lana's mother are stuck in a cave and to me they are the ones who are responsible for Brandon's death. Tom, Jon, and Lana's mother are so stuck in their close minded ways and their surrounding could have been an influence. The fact that their community has nothing better to do but smoke and  drink and even Lana's mother, as an adult, is just as  immature as the others. I do know that Jon and Tom are the ones who killed Brandon but Lana's mother told them where they could find her knowing what they planed to kill Brandon. Tom, Jon and Lana's mother are the ones who are afraid to see the light. Brandon and Lana expressed their true feelings and their true sides to one another. Brandon and Lana saw the light eventually but was chained along with the rest of them. Brandon and Lana were not as close minded as the others even though they grew up in the same town and same type of town as Tom, Jon and Lana's mother. Even Candace who grew up in the same boring gross town was able to look past it all and help Brandon when he was in need.
Brandon, Lana and Candace seek the light and were not afraid and stuck anymore. Tom,Jon and Lana's mother are stuck in the cage and will always be to afraid to seek the light

Monday, October 15, 2012

Boys Don't Cry

Part 1: Boys Don't Cry is a movie about a young man, who is burdened by the physical body he was born with, which is that of a females. Brandon lives in Nebraska where those who surround him are very close minded, and home trained. Their belief differ from any acceptance of gender identity problems. Brandon stumbles upon a young girl named Candace who introduce him to her friends. As the movie continues, Brandon builds a relationship with John and Tom, as well as a young girl that Brandon takes a liking to. Throughout the whole buildup of the relationship, Brandon kept his secret of being a woman to himself. Inevitably, the crew found out and reacted in a fatal manner which caused Brandon his life. The violence is a product of the way these people were raised as well as their individual tolerance and open mindedness to irregular cases that happen. Living in a town where all you do to have fun; is smoke, fight and do drugs, it is not a surprise that once the truth came out the reactions are bizarre. Also, the fact that John is mentally troubled, he's been to jail, and believes himself to be the top man of the house, and Brandon begins dating the girl he seems to like also come into account as large factors of how the situation became deadly. It is a small town, with small beliefs, and a strict and routine driven way of living.

Part 2: Platos 'Allegory of the Cave' is very relatable to the movie we just watched. I believe that John, Tom, Candice, and Lana's mother are stuck in the cave. They were brought up chained and in a dark train of thought. They do not know of the depth of the world, and what lays beyond it. Lana, to me is a cave dweller who wants to leave the cave desperately. She is willing to leave the cave because she despises the manner of life in it. Candace is still living in the cave, but I see her half chained. She feels sympathy for the way the others in the cave speak and act towards Brandon, therefore her sympathy helps her become more tolerant. I don't think Brandon is in or out of the cave. To me, Brandon is like a reflection of the light, or a mere sun ray living inside this cave. Her gender identity forced her to escape the cage, those in the cave are afraid of her, because she is a projection of what lays outside of the cave. Knowledge, that there is more then just straight and fixed genders. I can not say whether Brandon is out of the cave, because his circumstance makes it difficult to tell whether he is more knowledgable, or is just an example.

Boys Don't Cry

Part I:   Boys Don’t Cry Is a powerful movie that shows the struggles of an individual trying to find her sexual identity. The violence that took place at the end of Teena Brandon story was inexcusable. Teena Brandon was raped and beaten by two mentally sick guys. John Lotter and Tom Nissen dragged Brandon off in their car to a quiet spot near the meat-packing place where Lana worked. There, John and Tom repeatedly beat on Brandon and raped her vaginally and anally. Brandon then reported the incident to the police after told not to say anything by John and Tom or else she would be silence forever. Three days later Brandon was hiding out at the home of Candace because of the fear of going back to Lana house. John and Tom walk in the house looking for both Brandon and Candace. After they were both found, they were shot and killed on the spot. These people didn't grow up with much. All they did was smoke, drink and just walk around their block. Everyone on block knew and grew up with each other because of how small their community was. Living in a community like this you only know how to do the things you grew up learning.

Part II: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is a great way to identify the characters in Boys Don’t Cry. It was very much relatable. I believe that Brandon is one that sees his reflection and the reflection of others. Brandon had goals; he wanted to do more with his life. He also saw the reflection of Lana, he believe that Lana was able to do whatever it is that she wanted to do even if that meant singing karaoke to earn money. Tom and John are the ones that are stuck in the cave. They only did things they knew how to do which was drink, smoke and put their life to waste. Lana’s mother was also one who will remain in the cave, she didn't have any moral values for her family. As long as she had her drinks and cigarettes she was fine. Lana’s mom didn't care much about what her daughter was doing. She allowed things to go on in her house that shouldn't have been done; like allowing John to give his daughter alcohol to drink. Plato’s state that when you walk and look towards the light, he will suffer sharp pain, I thought that statement related to Brandon because he took the chance and walk towards the light. Having Brandon walked through that light caused him to face terrible pain. Plato describe communication as something difficult especially when one already have a mindset that is set on their own theory . It is hard to communicate with someone on a lower level; it will be hard for them to understand the point that's trying to get across.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Boys Don't Cry

Part 1: The characters' environment plays a significant role in their attitudes towards the unusual. Their small town location limits their ability to open their minds and think beyond their standard normality. Homosexuality is not tolerated within their social realm, making it okay to persecute the gay individual.

John is a very disturbed and problematic young man.  He seems to be easily irratated by things that are petty. The violence at the end of Brandon's story is caused by John.  Lanas mother also played a significant role in the violence as she was the one who told John where to find Brandon, knowing that conflict would arise.

Part 2:  Plato's Allegory of the Cave fits perfectly into the lives of the characters in Boys Don't Cry.  Lana is constantly struggling to get out of her "cave" and see the "light". Lana's desire to escape helped her accept Brandon for who he is. As Plato said, once someone has seen the light they will never go back because they've accepted the truth. This applies here.
  It is difficult to communicate with those who are still stuck in their own cave because of their close minded approach to unusual situations, in this case John or Lana's mom.

Boys dont cry

Christos Zagoras

Part one:  From watching the movie boys don’t cry there were a lot of parts that were the causes of the violence towards Brandon Teena. It starts with where Brandon Teena comes from do not really except people who are gay.  Down in Nebraska they feel like it is wrong just like in the book the Laramie project.  The contributing factor was when Brandon started to have a love connection with Lana and john who also had a thing for Lana started to get jealous.  From The group of people that Brandon was friends with john and his friend tom were very wreck less and aggressive.  Candice had a big role for Brandon teena getting caught of her real identity.  When going through her room and looking under the bed and finding her tampons that became a big turning point for Brandon. When going out for drinks with john and tom Candice admitted she had found tampons under Brandon’s bed. That’s what led for john to go to lanas room and find more of Brandon’s personal items and the pamphlet for a sex change. If Candice never would of said anything things could have ended up being a lot different.

Part two:  when reading Plato’s Allegory of the cave the characters the seemed to be stuck in the cave and see only shadows seemed to be characters like john, tom and Lana.  All they know in the lifestyle in Nebraska and the land of Nebraska. They are just like the chained prisoners who are not able to move and really understand what’s going on around the world. What Plato tells us about the difficulty about communicating to those in the cave after adjusting the light is he will suffer sharp pains and the glare will distress him and what he saw before is an illusion and his eye is turned towards real existence. This is a situation that describes the relationship with Brandon and Lana.  

Boys Don't Cry By Janet Nolan

In the movie Boys Don't Cry Bradon Tenna was a woman who truly felt she was a man. She changed her appearance by cut her hair changing her tone of voice and even the way she held herself such how she walked or stood, too appear more like a man. She later met a group of people that winded up killing her literally. There were many crimes committed against Bradon and they were that John and Tom raped her repeatedly in different areas. Also they beat her profusely, she later went to the hospital and was consider a  rape victim to the doctor and nurse on staff. When later question by the police but denied all allegation. Then later John and Tom paranoid that Bradon had told what had happen they went to Lisa Lambert house where Bradon was staying and later killed Lisa and Bradon in front of Lisa toddler son. I feel that a lot of the people involved in this situation is to blame. Such as Lanna mother, she told John were Bradon was even though he had a gun and she knew something was going to happen to Bradon. Also Bradon plays a huge role in the blame factor, she hid her identity and lied. I get that in her mine she thought she was a man but she wasn't not physically or legally. She had a choice to tell the truth when she was in the women part of the jail cells to Lanna and didn't. But I think John and Tom is where the blame truly falls. Just because someone is different from you or lies to you does not give give you the right to take away their life. I also feel that the people in this small town of Fall City region of Richardson County, Nebraska had nothing to look forward to there was no escape from this cycle. They lived in poverty and most were alcoholic or drug abusers. They grew up thinking they were above the law and they are not.

Plato's Allegory of the Cave is really relatable to Boys Don't Cry. I think that John and Tom are stuck in the cave and only will see the shadows. They can't see anything passed this town. It so sad though because who would want to live in that kind of poverty and not do better for themselves. To me though I think Bradon is in between when it comes to leaving Fall City he just want the bare minim of life, he wants the trailer and the barely minimum paying job. She too is stuck in this vicious cycle. But the only one that thought would leave and get out was Lanna, because of the violence committed there and she seemed to have big dreams.Unfortunately she moved back to Fall City pregnant. and soon will be a single mother. Plato said it harder to communicate with the people in the cave because once you seen he light and the truth in the world you don't want to go back to be ignorant. Also though they cant see past what in front of them. they just don't understand.


Vice president Debate

            I could see how clear this debate was in each point as I could see that Paul Ryan took a similar position to the first presidential debate; Paul Ryan started to attack the administration, blaming it for all the plans that they were able to apply which was the same strategy Romney took against Obama. I liked the way Joe Biden defend his ideas and contradict any of Ryan’s words as he also talked in favor of Obama. There was something I didn't like and it was how the topic of war was developed. Paul Ryan has a strong idea that war is the solution; it means that he wants to have the Middle East under control by United States’ Army. He wants to bring stronger security there but I agree more with Joe Biden who believes war should be the last option. Biden is aware of the gravity of the situation but he support the president words "We will not allow them acquire a nuclear weapon" which is simply check their movements without out oppression and it later require stronger action we know the world would support the United States decision.
            I found out new facts that weren't clear in Romney speech; Republicans are planning to reform Medicare for the present generation and keep it for the old generation to ensure it for the future but it seems weak for me since it looks so perfect to work without spending so much money on it. I completely agree that democrats are stronger at Medicare and social security and we can see it throughout the past. It’s obvious that they have good ideas but the most important problem is that they need to understand that all this process is to decide which political party will take control of the nation but I can see and they themselves talked about it that each party is opposing each other and working hard to not let them accomplish their plans. 

Homosexuality and Christianity

Here is information clarifying the discussion of homosexuality in the Bible that I mentioned in class.  Since the Bible is cited in The Laramie Project by at least one minister as evidence that homosexuality is a sin, this information helps us understand the context for biblical comments about homsexuality:
 It is available on numerous websites.  Another source is The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart, by Peter J. Gomes which has a chapter entitled, “The Bible and Homosexuality: the last Prejudice.”  Dr. Gomes is a professor of Christian Morals at Harvard.
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13

Leviticus 18:22 states: "Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination." The term abomination (to'ebah) is a religious term, usually reserved for use against idolatry; it does not mean a moral evil. The verse seems to refer to temple prostitution, which was a common practice in the rest of the Middle East at that time. Qadesh referred to male religious prostitutes. (See the discussion of Deuteronomy)
Leviticus 20:13 states: "If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they should surely be put to death....". The passage is surrounded by prohibitions against incest, bestiality, adultery and intercourse during a woman's period. But this verse is the only one in the series which uses the religious term abomination; it seems also to be directed against temple prostitution.
These passages are part of the Jewish Holiness Code which also:
permits polygamy
prohibits sexual intercourse when a woman has her period,
bans tattoos
prohibits eating rare meat
bans wearing clothes that are made from a blend of textiles
prohibits cross-breeding livestock
bans sowing a field with mixed seed
prohibits eating pigs, rabbits, or some forms of seafood
requires Saturday to be reserved as the Sabbath

Churches have abandoned the Holiness Code; it is no longer binding on modern-day Christians. They can wear tattoos, eat shrimp, wear polyester-cotton blends and engage in temple prostitution without violating this particular section of the Bible. Although this code is obsolete for Christians, many clergy still focus on those passages which deal with homosexuality.

It is likely that the prohibition thou shall not lie with a male as with a woman came about for one of the following reasons:
Only sexual acts which could lead to procreation were valued as the tribes needed to grow in numbers in order to survive.
Male homosexual sex may have been connected in the Hebrew mind with idolatry. Notice that Lev. 18:2 deals with idolatry. In fact many of the prohibitions in the Holiness Code were probably connected with idolatrous practices, see 19:26-29.
Women were second class citizens in the Hebrew culture and were generally treated as property. If a man was penetrated in sexual intercourse he was being treated like a woman and so was degraded in the Hebrew mind. The offense was not that this was a homosexual act, the offense was that a MAN was treated like a WOMAN. If this line of thinking is correct it would serve to explain why there is no prohibition against female homosexual acts in the Old Testament. Women could not be degraded by such an act as they were already not held in high esteem.

 There is a theory that the Hebrew people believed in a perfect order of creation and anything that violated that order was considered unclean or an abomination. A probable example would be that fish were considered the perfect sea animal, hence anything in the sea that did not have scales and fins was unclean. (Lev. 11:9-10) Cattle were the perfect cud chewing animal, hence anything that chewed cud, but didn't have hooves was unclean. (Lev. 11:6). If this theory is correct then the prohibition against male sex acts would be violating the role of the perfect ideal human: man. It would seem to mix the sex role of the imperfect woman with the ideal role of the man.

Even if the reader disagrees with the theories stated above they should take note that these verses are a part of the Hebrew scriptures often called the 'Holiness Code'. This 'code' is no longer followed by the Christian church.
Since the Christian church does not follow the Holiness Code, it has no right to arbitrarily pick Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13-14 just because it seems to support a particular prejudice.

Boys Don’t Cry Thoughts- Briana Regalado

Boys Don’t Cry Thoughts                                                                   Briana Regalado

Part I: The causes of violence that happen at the end of Brandon Teena’s story are as follows: The brothers, Jon and Tom kidnap rape and beat Brandon in front of the factory where Lena works, then they continue to do so in a secluded area. After filing a police report and going to the hospital, the boys find out and Brandon is shot to death as well as Candace. The contributing factors to these horrific events are as follows: The town that the family lives in is very small. There are not that many activities to do. There is lack of family value, such as when Jon and Tom offer their beer to the little girl, Tom’s temper when the little girl pees on him, the fact that Lena’s mother did not even bother to call the cops when Tom was searching for Brandon with a gun, Tom shooting Candace in front of her young son. The world they live in is very secluded, boring and there seems to be no approach to making their lives better like pursuing a career or getting an education.


Part II: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is an interesting one. It relates to Boys Don’t Cry beautifully because it directs every character in the movie. Every character is stuck inside the cave. They are all struggling to see the light. Brandon wants so desperately for everyone to believe that she is a boy but has problems with telling the truth that she physically is not. Then Lena doesn’t want to live with the people in her house anymore. She is unsure of her future because of the world she lives in. Jon and Tom will always “remain in the cave” because they always return to their home. Jon loses his temper all the time and they both drink excessive amounts, even offering to a baby. Then Lena’s mother will never change, thinking she’s young and drinking constantly. Candace is of good nature but goes out drinking, takes care of her child. No one will ever leave the cave because they have all failed to see the light outside.




Saturday, October 13, 2012


 This Vice president Debate had a different energy. It was more insightful than the Presidential debate. In this debate you were able to hear and understand the point of view of each speaker. Each speaker shared their thoughts more clear and precise. Someone like me who didn't know as much about the things that are happening in the country, was able to understand what each speaker was saying.
              I’m pushing more towards Vice President Biden because of how confident he was and how strong he came out on getting his point across. I like how Vice president Biden specifically point out that before Governor Romney knew the facts that our ambassador was killed, he was out making a political statement which was panned by the media around the world. I also admire how Biden compliments President Obama doings; he did a well enough job representing the president and pointing out important information about the several good things President Obama did in helping this country to be successful. Vice President Biden states that President Obama “Is a president who’s gone out and done everything he has said he was going to do. This is a guy who’s repaired our alliances so the rest of the world follows us again. This is the guy who brought the entire world, including Russia and China, to bring about the most devastating efforts on Iran to make sure that they in fact stop".

VP Debate

First of all the Debate was awesome. It was totally different from the Presidential Debate with President Obama and Romney. VP Joe Biden and Congressman Ryan clear voiced there opinions but one thing i noticed is that it was more personal. Cong.man Ryan side swiped all of the responses to VP Biden's question and turned them out to be cut throat attacks on the President Obama's administration. When the Talk about Siberia came up, VP Biden acknowledge the progress Pres.Obama has made but Congressman Ryan took the time to attack VP Biden by saying that the Pres. Obama administration danced around the fact of the terror attack and made it appear as though Pres.Obama only blamed YouTube for the reason why nothing was done. NOT TRUE!! In actuality President Obama is making efforts to repair allies to follow the U.S. Either way VP Biden stayed on topic while C.Ryan deflected the shame on them.

Friday, October 12, 2012

VP Debate by janet nolan

One statement that truly hit home for me was about the "2014" act. I completely agree with Paul Ryan that our main goal is to leave in 2014 ,but we should still help and give our commanders and generals the supplies they needs and help the Afghan government and their people. To show them the right way to live and in force it. Meaning that if we leave immediately that all the work and the  solders lives that were sacrifice would be a waste. But vice president Biden believes that we should leave as soon as possibly its like he has given up and truly doesn't care. One thing that bug me so much about Biden is that he laughed half the debate it made it seem like he did that because he couldn't give and intelligent answers back, I felt it was extremely disrespectful. He made jab at Ryan such as "my friend here" I mean come on we know your not friends and it was just annoying. I come from a small town and almost everyone dad, son, nephew, brother ,husband etc is a firefighter. On 9/11 our firefighters went to the world trade center and only a few survived. After that my small town once again crushed because of a plane crash in our town on Nov.12 2001. After these plane crashes many of my friends and family went in to the army many were lost and many are still there. I wish they never left but I know its for the greater good to defend what happen to the U.S to New York and Belle Harbor Rockaway. We are so close and that why we need to continue the good and not lose the grounds we have gained. Also one thing that I disagreed with that Biden said was it took six day for the Obama and Biden administration to say the attack in Libya was a terrorist attack. The ambassadors ask for more security and what did they get in return? The security was actually downsize even though they express fear for their lives. But other wise I thought the debate was good and both parties had good points.

Boys Don't Cry

Please post your thoughts about Boys Don't Cry here.  

Part I: What are the causes of the violence that occurs at the end of Brandon Teena's story?  What are the contributing factors and who is responsible?  Think about all the characters: Brandon, Lana, Lana's mother, Candace, the disturbed young man (John) and his friend (Tom).  Even the setting, the world these people live in, is a kind of character that may contribute to what happens.  

Part II: As you read Plato's Allegory of the Cave, take your thinking one step further: applying Plato's allegory to Boys Don't Cry, which characters are stuck inside the cave and see only shadows?  Which characters are struggling to get out of the cave and see the light?  What does Plato tell us about the difficulty of communicating with those in the cave, once you have been able to adjust to the light?  

Note:  this will be a required post--if you don't do it over weekend, you will have a chance to do it in lab on Tuesday.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

That was a fantastic debate

And VP Biden absolutely Kicked ASS.

This debate was so much better than the presidential debate because the two speakers specified everything, provided examples in there arguments, and actually tried to answer all the questions asked.
Well, no that's not true, Congressmen Ryan often tried his best to avoid directly answering the questions asked. When Martha asked how long it will take to reduce the unemployment to bellow 6%, Ryan repeatedly said "We can debate the timeline". This is another way to say "I don't know and I cant answer but I will act like I know what I'm talking about".

VP Biden was very aggressive during this debate. Yet he wasn't just being belligerent, he called out on every lie Ryan told and told us that it is inaccurate information and explained how and why. 

I really liked that they discussed issues beyond economical issues. And once again I was inevitably faced with the fact that I am completely ignorant about whats been going on in the world; I wish I had kept up with the world so I can make an appropriate reaction to their debate on global issues.

I got the impression that Romney Ryan group wants to bring us to war. I do not approve of that what so ever. When they were talking about the issues going on in the middle east, He looked for reasons to send out more troops to the middle east countries with the exception of Syria; He agreed to pull out from Syria. I think he believes that war will quickly fix economical issues; it will, but i dont think it will do us good in the long run.

In this debate, Biden's age and experience really showed. He seemed well aware of everything that was going on, he was able to make historical references, bring examples from whats happened in the past. Congressman Ryan couldn't stand up against that much experience and skill.
VP Biden shed light to a lot of my confusions. He really spoke out for Obama and made his arguments stronger and better.

The VP Debate

Post your thoughts here about the two vice presidents debating tonight: discuss one comment you agreed with and one you disagreed with--or just something you have a question about!  Post by tomorrow (Friday evening) so you don't forget what was said.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Laramie research

I found an article about a Nebraskan woman who was attacked by three men and there were “carved derogatory epithets into the body” Of the women who is 33 years old and openly gay. It happened in Jul. 24, 2012. She was also bound, gagged and mutilated early Sunday and the three attackers splashed the victim's home with gasoline and tried to set it on fire, scorching a floor, police reports state.

I also found that Nebraska does have hate crimes laws.

Related article to Matthew Shepard's death


This article is about a gay boy assaulted in Ohio. The boy was a 15 year old high school attacked by one of his peers. This happen October 17,2011. Names are not mentioned in the article but the attacker was waiting for the boy with other students. The boy asked what was wrong, what he did and tried to get away but the attacker repeatedly punched him in the face. Students stood and watched no one helped him. The attacker broke TWO of the boy's teeth and may have suffered a concussion. The attacker was only suspended for THREE days. 
This article caught my attention but this was just LAST year. It's so sad that people have to hide who they are just to pretext theirselves from bullies. I can relate to Matthew because he was attacked and killed because he was gay. He didn't bother anyone but because he preferred something different he was judged. And just like Russell Henderson watched, the students in this Ohio HS watched this boy get attacked by a peer.
Greetings Everyone--

Today is a Thursday schedule, not a Tuesday, so we will be meeting in our regular classroom, E145.  See you there.  In LIB hour we will be discussing how to write a paper that works for both philosophy and English on subject of Laramie--bring your ideas and be ready to discuss your research posts!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Laramie Project Research

This article is about 5 separate attacks on gay men that might be linked to the same attackers. All the attacks happened in a matter of 2 months. All the victims had similar stories, they were all beat and cursed at. Their attackers always started off by insulting the gay men with a homophobic epithet.

related articles to Matthew Shepard's death

                   Writing October Morning: A Song for Matthew Shepard: An 11-Year Journey

             Leslea Newman was going to give a speech about her son's book Heather has two Mommies the same day Matthew Shepard died which also happened to be the National Coming Out Day. She found out that Matt was going to attend her speech since it was presented at the the University of Wyoming  and he was part of the gay association. She made the promise to help the world remember Matthew; 11 years later on April 12, 2010, she finish writing a book in Matthew's memory; 30 poems dedicated to Matthew. 

           Here is the link if you are interested in reading more:


The History of Coming Out

            On October 11, 1987 united stated viewed the second care demonstration for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people. it founded many organization in pro of LGBT and since then October 11 became known as The Coming Out Day to commemorate this great March.   
       Read more:


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Research Paper: Article related to The Larmaie Project

      After watching the ending to “Laramie Project” the class was discussing about another movie called “Boys Don’t Cry” and the way it was describe in class had me interesting in doing my research on that story. Boys Don’t Cry is a true story about a girl named Teena Marie Brandon who struggle with identity crisis, she later began to call herself Brandon Teena. Brandon later starting posing herself as a guy, after getting charge with a felony she moved to Richardson County to live with her girlfriend who thought she was a guy. Long story short rumors started spreading that she was a girl. Two other males took Brandon to the bathroom and exposed her. The two males felt that they should show Brandon a lesson for making them think she was a girl so they decided to take Brandon in their car, drive to a country road and brutally beat and rape her. The two guys warn Brandon not to say anything or else they would kill her. Brandon reported the incident to the police, a couple days later Brandon got shot by the same two guys who beat and rape her.
                   I used this article to help me find out more information about Teena Brandon.

Research on Laramie: Related Document, web source

Research on Laramie: Related subjects


          Matthew Shepard's story took America's hearts by storm. The brutal murder of an innocent young man due to his sexual orientation was and is unjust. In my research, I found an article *link listed above* about a young man of Puerto Rican decent experiencing the same horrible fate as Shepard. His name was Jorge Steven Lopez. His murderer cut his head off, and partially burned him to death because he was gay. This was in Caguas, Puerto Rico on November 13, 2009.  Mentioned in the article is the “Gay Panic Defense” stating that it “is a legal defense that seeks to establish that the murderer had a lapse of insanity tied to a state of violence that led to perpetrate the attack.” Meaning that the victim’s murderer can have some sort of hazy defense for why they committed the act. In conclusion, the article shows awareness of Hate Crimes and why it is wrong.

Laramie Project Research

I found a New York Times article from 2010 that bears a painful resemblance to the incident in Laramie.


A young man was lured into a trap and tortured simply because he was gay.
This being accompanied by a site i found that talks about a study published that shows that since 2009 that hate crime murder against members of the LGBT community has increased on a yearly basis.


However, media as a whole has been more accepting of the LGBT community as shown by a study that shows that the 2012-2013 season on television has the highest rating of regular, not recurring, LGBT characters.


Laramie Resreach Project Janet Nolan

I found an article in the New York Times which was about a 15 year old boy who was shot and killed in his school laboratory. His name was Lawrence King, Lawrence had recently told his classmates that he was gay. He later got harassment by his classmates, including the 14-year-old boy charged in his death Brandon McInerney. It has been said that Larry which his friends called him started wearing mascara, lipstick and high heel boots to school, which cased some of the teasing. A quote from the article which reads by Mr. Davis said “more and more kids are coming out in junior high school and expressing gender different identities at younger ages.” “Unfortunately,” he added, “society has not matured at the same rate.” I believe this statement is completely true not all kids are mature enough to deal with other children sexual orientation. I think this article is relate able to Matthew Shepard case not only because he was gay but it was said that Brandon was considered a "victim of homophobia and hate.”. I think that very similar to Henderson and McKinney they were homophobic. I feel people want to learn more about hate crimes because we want to prevent them. To do what ever it takes to keep things like this from happening. Many people have different view about the gay community for instincts president Obama only resonantly changed his view on the gay community saying he believes in gay marriage. I personally believe he did it to stay in office because he made this statement when election time had restarted. Before he said it was against his religion, has changed I don't think so. Govern Romney doesn't believe in gay marriage he believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I also believe this as well. But just because I don't agree with their lifestyle doesn't mean that I believe any gay or lesbian should not be harm for how they chose to live their lives.


Research Paper

Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act

The murder of murder of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. made people realize the severity hate crimes. Even so, it took 11 years for this to become a law. The bill fail to make it through Congress several times and finally pass through under the Obama administration. Since we know a lot about the Matthew Shepard case, i look up a few articles on James Byrd Jr.

Here's a series of articles about the impact and aftermath of James Byrd's murder

Laramie research


This website talks about how the issues confronted by The Laramie Project are still with us today. It goes on to say how many people believe that this issue has died down through time and possibly no longer exists but the issues involving hate crimes and homophobia are still extremely present in this day and age. Unfortunately there are still many people and places that are in need of some eye-opening.


the link above discusses recent hate crimes and further researches the reasons for kids who have homophobic tendencies.

Research Laramie

http://www.nytimes.com/ads/marketing/laramie/19981026_laramie7.html This article talks about the controversy with they gay lifestyle. Many people of Laramie feel the heightened awareness of antigay harrassment and the human rights code. Its relevant to Matthew Shepard because it explains why it took nearly 11years to pass anti-discrimination protection. President Obama supports gay rights " for me personally i think same sex couples should be able to get married ". Romney on the other hand believes that marriages should solely between a man and women.

Laramie Project

Laramie Research
I found this article very interesting. It has to do with the number of hate crimes against the LGBT community. On 2011 there were 30 hate crimes against gays, lesbians and transgender. It alwso says that a little more then half of the survivors report their attacks, basically, it means the number of hate crimes could be a lot higher then 30, they just haven't been reported.


I also found an article on the statistics of suicide rates among LGBT youth. The statistics are pretty disturbing. 36.5% of lgbt youth have attempted suicide. I know it doesn't directly connect ot eh Matt Shepherd incident, but a lot of these children feel the hate of their peers towards who they are. It affects them very much.
