Saturday, October 6, 2012

Over the weekend your task is to find one research item related to our discussion of Laramie.  You should post the research (or a link to it) in the blog and write a paragraph describing, explaining to your classmates the content of the piece and how, why you found it relevant, important, earth shattering etc.

The famous African American writer, Zora Neale Hurston, said this about research:  "Research is formalized curiosity.  It is poking and prying with a purpose."

Think about why we want to know more about the events surrounding Matthew Shepard's murder, about those who beat him and tied him to a fence, leaving him to die, about his family, about why it took the United States 12 years to pass federal Hate Crimes legislation. . . how is this knowledge useful, important?  What is Obama's position on gay rights?  Romney's?

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