Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Presidential Debate

I believe that Mitt Romney did well tonight. He was sharp and he was able to communicate his topic with precision. It was definitely not Obama's best night of arguing.
I wish I had studied a bit more of statistics and economy before I had watched this debate, because I had no way of confirming what they were saying as truth in my mind; and I certainly do not believe that all of the statistics they used as reference tonight are true at all.
Altogether I've noticed that these two don't disagree on much of anything. They both want the same things, they have the same goals. And frankly I didn't see much of a difference on how they planned to achieve it, if they had mentioned the "hows" at all because I don't think either got to the point as swiftly as they should.
Obama stressed the point of improving the education system and training the young to rebuild America. I got the impression that he's only offering what he's been working on for the past 4 years of his presidency: which I see why it wouldn't be such a popular idea since many people don't see much improvement made on anything since he was elected. I believe that if we gave him another chance he can make great changes. However I also think that his ideas require long term dedication to truly settle with us, and that isn't something America wants.
But I like the changes he has in mind; he is very pro middle class and pro education.
Romney was very concentrated on the economical progress of America, which is what most people wanted to hear about. His arguments were very seemingly progressive and he made it seem as though he can make quick improvements on our poor economical state.

They both want to invest and sup[port small business, they want North America to become energy dependent but investing in natural energy. Romney wants to stop spending money on things like obama care, pbs channels and Obama wants to lower the tuition and cut corporate tax  25%.
I don't even know the true effects of these actions and what doing this will result in, but I feel like they're saying the same thing.

Except Romney wants to get rid of Obama-care, and I dont agree with that because obama care is important.
They need to re-do this debate.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Yuka--they need a redo of this debate and I hope Obama will be clearer and Romney more specific. You are right too that many plans need long term dedication and the American people are frustrated at lack of progress.
