I think that the Greek history is so interesting, there is always something happening and changing. It so intoxicating in a way because you want learn more and more. I chose Artemis who is the goddess of hunting, wilderness and wild animals. Also a goddess of childbirth, and the protector of the girl child and up to the age of marriage. She also had a twin brother,Apollon who was the protector of young boys as well. Artemis is connected to the Electra story because she was the goddess that was offered Iphigeneia by Agamemnon for the passage of the Greek fleet to Troy. The sacrifice of Iphigeneia sparked the vicious cycle of revenge in the story of Electra, every motive from then on is about how can I redeem my love one lost and get revenge on the killer or the cause of the killing.
and don't forget that Artemis was angry with Agamemnon for bragging about killing one of the stags in Artemis's forest!