Well I can start by saying I clearly see the side President Obama is coming from as well as Romney. The both want the best for America but one thing that Romney stated that disliked was about education He claims that is not that it is not important at this time to improve the economy but it would be better in the future. I disagree with this comment because I believe for a brighter future education must come firs, and not second. In order to move towards a greater good we must take care of the problem and the obstacles now. Giving money back to the states? that only successfully works if we invest in the people who need it first, help to be help, it is not a waste,educated is important Romney!
I agree with President Obama when he said that we do best when the middle class is doing well. President Obama is trying to keep taxes to benefit the poor and middle class to better the economy. with out that I believe the economy would crash. The way that Americans live today is way different than before, and cutting taxes would only benefit the rich in the long run. Go Pres.Obama!!!
Either they both made some good points however, I think i lean more towards the Democratic party, I just don't play with education.
Like your focus on education Stacy--I missed that Romney said it was less important than economy--we should discuss this in class--also your point about giving money back to states--what will that mean? will the ones who need it get it or will they be at mercy of local politics?