Dear Citizens of Animal Farm,
I am writing to you regarding the unfortunate circumstances that have come upon your farm. 'Tis sad
but true that your leaders, or should I say "comrades", have displayed weakness in their selfishness and
"pigheadedness". You have striven to form a place where everyone shares control, but don't you see the lack
of equality?! The pigs have run you down into worse conditions than ever before. In the midst of fighting for
your freedom you have gained a new, perhaps even more harmful dictator. I can see why you would like to
think you can trust your friends, those who have been with you from the very onset of the struggle, but think
again. How is it that you can blindly obey this hierarchy?
It is clear where things went wrong; it is clear who is to blame: Napoleon. From the beginning he has
brought only trouble and mischief. You see, when someone gets caught up in his own power, a part of the
good in them is lost as they selfishly fight for themselves. He has deceived you, manipulated right and left in
order to serve the pigs' interests and nobody else's. The lies, the deception -- how could you not have seen
it? You've been led blindly by the blind. Was it your fear of chaos that made you submit, or were you simply
ignorant? Fear is what has destroyed you. The clear turning point was when you allowed Napoleon to banish
Snowball. From the beginning, the pigs' intentions were unclear. You believed that they were working for
you and desired to make things better, but something was not quite right. You can see that once Napoleon
took over, things took a turn for the worst. Don't you remember how you believed that all your problems
would soon be finished once man was gone? You blamed it all on humans and their destructive habits:
Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk,
he does not lay eggs. He is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough
to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives to
them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps
for himself. (Orwell 19)
You thought your problem was solely the humans, but can't you see that you,too, are your own enemy? All
of the traits which you claimed to be purely selfish, human tendencies can be found in your beloved pig! Who
worked you to the bone in order to build this windmill but never once lifted a finger?! The pigs have turned
into the very thing which they supposedly despised, lying and manipulating their way around the seven
commandments, drinking alcohol and sleeping in beds! How can you simply close your eyes and turn your
heads to the tragedy among you? Do not be blind to the horrors at hand! Fight for each other, for the pigs
surely are not on your side.
The pigs continuously went against their original rules finding ways here and there to get around them.
They manipulated you into believing lies. Don't you remember? "Once again the animals were conscious of a
vague uneasiness. Never to have any dealings with human beings, never to engage in trade, never to make
use of money -- these had been among the earliest resolutions passed at that first triumphant meeting after
Jones was expelled" (Orwell 66). The pigs have continuously changed things for their convenience; they are
simply un-dedicated to Animal Farm and what it stands for.
Animals were not made to be governed but to roam free. They do not need man or his inventions in
order to survive -- that's the beauty of nature. In order to create a just society, many things must be done; for
one, if you truly want to be equal, you must treat each other equally. Thoughtfulness, kindness, and respect
are essential. Do not push yourself so above everybody else that you are no longer able to see past the brim
of your nose. No! Fight for other people. You must exercise compassion and consideration to make things
work. Exist beyond yourself and your immediate needs. Work for something greater; for unity, for love!
In order for there to be true equality and justice, you must no longer allow the pigs to be the "brains" of
your farm. You must find a way that in fact no one is running your farm. Everyone must share the work
equally as found fit by ability. All must work to their potential, without straining, for the labors of the farm.
Each voice must be heard and considered; each opinion matters. No petty or foolish activities should take
place upon the farm, for they only hider its well-being.
Rachel--I admire the way you take the animals step-by-step through their induction into believing in the pigs and then you help them see their naiveté! Great tone! A+