Thursday, October 11, 2012

That was a fantastic debate

And VP Biden absolutely Kicked ASS.

This debate was so much better than the presidential debate because the two speakers specified everything, provided examples in there arguments, and actually tried to answer all the questions asked.
Well, no that's not true, Congressmen Ryan often tried his best to avoid directly answering the questions asked. When Martha asked how long it will take to reduce the unemployment to bellow 6%, Ryan repeatedly said "We can debate the timeline". This is another way to say "I don't know and I cant answer but I will act like I know what I'm talking about".

VP Biden was very aggressive during this debate. Yet he wasn't just being belligerent, he called out on every lie Ryan told and told us that it is inaccurate information and explained how and why. 

I really liked that they discussed issues beyond economical issues. And once again I was inevitably faced with the fact that I am completely ignorant about whats been going on in the world; I wish I had kept up with the world so I can make an appropriate reaction to their debate on global issues.

I got the impression that Romney Ryan group wants to bring us to war. I do not approve of that what so ever. When they were talking about the issues going on in the middle east, He looked for reasons to send out more troops to the middle east countries with the exception of Syria; He agreed to pull out from Syria. I think he believes that war will quickly fix economical issues; it will, but i dont think it will do us good in the long run.

In this debate, Biden's age and experience really showed. He seemed well aware of everything that was going on, he was able to make historical references, bring examples from whats happened in the past. Congressman Ryan couldn't stand up against that much experience and skill.
VP Biden shed light to a lot of my confusions. He really spoke out for Obama and made his arguments stronger and better.

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