Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Animal farm essay

Lisamarie Esposito

My friends of Animal Farm
Dear animals of Animal Farm,
                       I first want to applaud you for your successful revolution which in itself was a great idea although it was diminished with help from Napoleon and Squealer. They both played a vital part in the downfall of the revolution even though there were other factors and animals that also assisted. Both Napoleon and Squealer used their literary skills and advanced vocabulary to manipulate the other animals to keep said animals comfortable while they not only changed the commandments but made their work hours longer, making all of the other lives of the animals worse. Napoleon used his smarts and label as “leader” abusively to control other animals by doing whatever he wanted, then making excuses and speaking lies through the mouth of Squealer. Squealer aided Napoleon by not only going along with Napoleon but being Napoleon’s mouth piece to the other animals that couldn’t understand fully what was happening to them or their lives. Both Napoleon and Squealer were the main cause of the failure of the revolution and I will show you how in more detail throughout this essay.

Napoleon was the main cause of the revolution going sour. He abused his power to lead the other animals to gain “perks” while the animals had no clue about what was really going on. He would tell the other animals lies to keep them in line and on his side, such as the lie he made up about Snowball coming in to steal and destroy parts of their farm. When he entered the farm house to live with the other pigs and guard dogs he lied about them needing to have a place so they could in all actually live more conformably. He also changed the commandments when he saw fit because it would not only benefit himself; it would keep the other animals from pointing a finger at Napoleon saying he was doing something wrong. He lied to keep the other animals in the farm comfortable and in their place as he changed everything which only brought him to destroying the purpose and meaning of the revolution.

Squealer had become Napoleons own personal mouth piece and he assisted in Napoleon’s bad behavior which indirectly brought about the destruction of the revolution.  He may not have thought of the lies and he may not have had any original thought that would affect the downfall of the revolution, but he did do anything for Napoleon. In the way he aided in the changing of the commandments and the spreading of the lies about Snowball or the threats about farmer Jones coming back. Squealer would go around the farm to make sure that all the other animals thought of Napoleon being something he was not, a perfect leader. By doing all of this he would became a main cause instead of just an underlining factor. Squealer could have told the truth or he could have told Napoleon that he was wrong or he simply could have not listened to Napoleon, but he didn’t, and his actions, words only furthered Napoleons success in demolishing the revolution.

Napoleon and Squealer were the main two reasons of the revolution successfully failing. They both played the vital part of deceiving the other animals who should have spoken up for themselves when they started to notice something strange going on. Squealer should have questioned Napoleon instead of going on with whatever the other pig said. He shouldn’t have lied about the commandments or praise Napoleon for his bad behavior. Napoleon, instead of abusing his power, should have distributed the power equally by setting up votes or at least having the other animals have a say when he was making a decision that would affect everyone. All the animals should have done something more in some way but Napoleon and Squealer were the main problem. 

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