Sunday, October 7, 2012

Laramie Resreach Project Janet Nolan

I found an article in the New York Times which was about a 15 year old boy who was shot and killed in his school laboratory. His name was Lawrence King, Lawrence had recently told his classmates that he was gay. He later got harassment by his classmates, including the 14-year-old boy charged in his death Brandon McInerney. It has been said that Larry which his friends called him started wearing mascara, lipstick and high heel boots to school, which cased some of the teasing. A quote from the article which reads by Mr. Davis said “more and more kids are coming out in junior high school and expressing gender different identities at younger ages.” “Unfortunately,” he added, “society has not matured at the same rate.” I believe this statement is completely true not all kids are mature enough to deal with other children sexual orientation. I think this article is relate able to Matthew Shepard case not only because he was gay but it was said that Brandon was considered a "victim of homophobia and hate.”. I think that very similar to Henderson and McKinney they were homophobic. I feel people want to learn more about hate crimes because we want to prevent them. To do what ever it takes to keep things like this from happening. Many people have different view about the gay community for instincts president Obama only resonantly changed his view on the gay community saying he believes in gay marriage. I personally believe he did it to stay in office because he made this statement when election time had restarted. Before he said it was against his religion, has changed I don't think so. Govern Romney doesn't believe in gay marriage he believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I also believe this as well. But just because I don't agree with their lifestyle doesn't mean that I believe any gay or lesbian should not be harm for how they chose to live their lives.


  1. Hi Janet--want to make sure all your posts are here--remind me to help you tag them in lab on Tuesday.

  2. so Janet--this is the only one that comes up--maybe because of tagging problem--talk tomorrow.
